“Jesus really did appear to the disciples, and skeptics after his death.” 40 Quotes by scholars.

Bishop's Encyclopedia of Religion, Society and Philosophy

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I love quotes. I also read widely, and in the process save many quotes that are relevant, and thought provoking. It may come to the surprise of many readers that it is actually the mainstream scholarly position that the disciples, and skeptics alike, came to believe in his resurrection because they were were convinced that Jesus had appeared to them. Here I include quotes from atheist, Jewish, Christian, and other non-Christian scholars.

Secondly, the most common naturalistic hypothesis today that attempts to describe these appearances is the hallucination hypothesis. At the end I include more quotes that show this hypothesis to be faulty, hence why it has failed to convince many scholars in the field.

Disciples, and skeptics were convinced that Jesus had appeared to them after his death:

  • “In order to work, the Jesus tomb hypothesis has to claim that the disciples died for something they knew was a lie—in fact, something…

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